Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What can I do to get what I want?

Dear Mr. Jim hughes,

It certainly has been a while since the last time we posted in class, due to the ACT testing and all that fun stuff. I still do have a general plan of going to college for psychology and now photography on the side. Although teaching has crossed my mind in the past few months because some teachers that I have and/or have had really haven't been all that good. I can't exactly explain it all that well but I think you may get an idea of what i'm saying. I'll probably end up going to Schoolcraft college for my first two years and then hopefully transfer to Wayne state or UOFM.
In the past school year I havn't exactly worked to my full potential and this semester i'm planning on getting an all A average. The first thing I am doing to ensure an all A average is writing everything we do in all my classes in my planner and getting it signed by each of my teachers to show my parents what exactly is being done. This will help me do my homework and keep track of study habits. Having the teachers sign my planner shows my parents that I can be trusted with the responsibilities I have been given.
Another thing that I will be doing is going straight home after school to do my homework. I would do this if I don't have to work at 3:00 during the weekdays. If I do my homework right when I get home I will have a better chance of completing it with no problem because I havn't spent that whole day wasteing my time with friends and nonsense.
Third, i'm going to try and pay attention more during class instead of day dreaming about what I would like to do after I get out of school. I will deffinitly have to go to bed a lot sooner then I have been. Usually the time I decide to do that is about 11:00 P.M. To me that is goping to be a big change becasue i stay up to watch the news and maybe treat myself to some desert eventhough I know it's not exactly good for me.
If I have to I will stay after school to get the extra help from any teacher that is willing to spend the extra time with me. In some subjects like chemistry I stay after and come early all the time and still don't get the grade I want. Do you have any ideas on how to bring up that grade eventhough iv been trying and trying but still can't understand what i'm doing?
The last thing I know that I will have to do is not fall asleep in class. It hasn't happend much lately especially in english becasue I love the book that we are reading called "Slaughterhouse Five" by Kurt Vonnegut. and the funny thing is that in his other books he has written he makes connections. Connections like with the aliens in "SH5" they are in another book of, I forgot the title of it, sorry about that.
What did you do your Junior year to accomplish your goals? What do you think I can do to help myself with my goals? Thank you for your time and I hope you have a good time untill our next post. "Farewll, Hello, Farewell, Hello"~Billy Pilgrim

~Anthony Boyd

1 comment:

Jim Hughes said...

I am impressed that you have decided to make some day to day changes in your routine in order to improve your grades.
When you set goals, you have a vision to shoot for.
Some quotes to help are:
" We become what we think about all day long";
"Without vision, the people perish"
Set your goals high and then work on them one day at a time.
Having a regular time to study as you've planned is excelllent.
Let me know how you're doing on all this because you wrote this a while ago.
All the Best to you!